The Social Media class I took this summer was surprisingly better than I expected. It focused on practical skills rather than bombarding me with reading textbook chapters and other pointless busy-work. Instead, I learned how social media platforms differ from each other. I was also able to see new perspectives from other student that made me value some platforms that I was sleeping on. My favorite part of the course was being able to use a social media managing program. Getting certified on Hootsuite was the first time I ever had access to such a program. It was exciting because I could see how a social media manager could use that program to efficiently monitor, post, and respond to users on different websites. I also liked how easy it would be to do quick market research on competitors and partners. It was cool to post about things I normally wouldn’t. It helped me realize how easy it is to create content as long as you have reason behind it. The only thing I didn’t like about the ...